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Current issues in medicine - technology or ethics?

The technical and pharmacological revolution in modern medicine has not solved the ethical problems that seem more relevant today than ever before. Most articles on medical ethics focus on the 'big' issues, such...

Ethical standards and the development of modern medicine

In his activity, the doctor has the right to choose from all kinds of treatment options. However, when it comes to deciding according to one's conscience and morals, the law sets certain limits. This is understandable, as in the above freedom one cannot depart from ...


Contemporary medical ethics is developing under the influence of various philosophical currents. Among the more important developments of this ethics, the following three proposals stand out: (1) the ethics of the good of the patient related to virtue ethics proposed by the American physician Edmund D....

Ethical aspects of medical decisions

The book addresses extremely important and key legal and regulatory issues (such as the use of the conscience clause by doctors, the activities of hospital ethics committees), as well as issues of the doctor-patient relationship, including the difficult art of communication in...

Medical ethics with elements of philosophy

The first section discusses issues in the philosophy of science and its relevance to the natural and medical sciences. This is followed by an introduction to selected theories in philosophical ethics, and the third section presents issues specific to modern medicine. W...

Ethics in medicine - yesterday and today: Selected issues

The book we are handing over to the Readers is a kind of continuation of the Gdansk tradition of ethical reflection, combining selected historical threads of ethics in medicine with its contemporary issues. It is a collection of papers delivered at a conference organised by the Department of Ethics and the Department of...

Ethics, death and transplants

Transplantation is a field of medicine that is still the subject of much ethical controversy and dispute. It is also surrounded by an aura of mystery and sometimes horror. One need only think of Michael Crichton's 1978 film Coma exploiting the 'urban legend' of the killing by...

I am practising as a doctor. Dentist

Changes to the provisions in the Polish law system are closely linked to the process of adapting that law to European Union law, which is still ongoing. These changes give rise to legitimate difficulties in the application of the law, the overcoming of which, at least in part, is to be facilitated by this...

Elements of medical ethics. Practical Medicine

The book is a practical culmination of the author's theoretical exploration of the foundations of bioethics and medical ethics as presented in various articles and papers written under his guidance. The articles that make up this publication are intended to concisely and ...

The dispute over the foundations of medical ethics : teleologism

Medical ethics is evolving today with the development of bioethics. Although it has distinct historical origins that have developed a medical ethos, the increasingly complex problems associated with the rapid development of modern biotechnology have led many...

Medical ethics

This book discusses legal and ethical issues concerning, inter alia, procreation, transplantology, thanatology, medical experiments (mainly in the field of genetics), medical error and medical confidentiality. It also presents the most important contemporary...

Culture of death When medicine is allowed to harm

The theme of the publication focuses on cultural changes in the ethical, legal and social spheres, significantly affecting the conditions for practising medicine, especially with regard to its fundamental aims and values. source publisher description

Medical ethics

"Medical Ethics is an overview of the most important contemporary issues in the field - from issues as difficult as euthanasia to those related to the distribution of health services. The ethical questions relate to different areas of medicine, as well as access to and management of health services....