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Bioethics and metaphysics

In 1995, the University of Notre Dame Publishing House published a book by the American ethicist and theologian, Gilbert C. Meilaender, entitled Soul, Body and Bioethics 1. The author of the book is clearly disappointed with the style of the debates taking place in the field of contemporary bioethics....

Selected aspects of human rights and bioethics

On 10 June 2016, the Ombudsman's Office hosted an interdisciplinary scientific conference entitled. "Selected aspects of human rights and bioethics", organised in cooperation with the Committee on Bioethics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. It resulted in a monograph...

Bioethics and medical practice. Selected issues

On 5-6 February 2010, the International Scientific Conference on Bioethics in Medical Practice was held at the Medical University of Lublin. The conference brought together representatives from many disciplines, reflecting the nature of bioethics itself - a discipline with...

Bioethics and human identity

Increased knowledge and technological progress remain factors that expand the possibilities of medicine, but also generate new ethical issues. Their resolution may encounter some difficulties. To the questions: "when does human life begin?", or "when does human ...

The bitter pill. Ethics and biopolitics in the pharmaceutical industry

Are drug manufacturers inventing new diseases? Can science work for profit? What distinguishes conflicts of interest from corruption? The author outlines these and other controversial practices in the pharmaceutical industry. She writes about reprehensible forms of commercialisation of knowledge, lobbying by companies ...

Bioethics for the Pharmacist

In a simple and accessible question-and-answer format, the book addresses the fundamental ethical issues related to the beginning and end of human life (definition of the beginning of life, contraception, abortion, artificial insemination, euthanasia, assisted suicide, therapy...

Bioethics: a guide for student nurses

Ethics is a principle that describes what is right and correct and what is wrong or incorrect in terms of behaviour. Ethics and ethical practice are incorporated into all aspects of nursing care. The scope of this book is to apply basic ...

Bioethics In defence of human life

One of the best studies considering the state of contemporary bioethics research and the most important issues in bioethics. The book also tackles issues such as:In vitro Is test-tube life a gift from God? Truthfulness towards the sick in the dyingNa...

The identity of Catholic bioethics

The publication is divided into two parts. The first focuses on the foundations of Catholic-inspired bioethics. After a general presentation of the history of bioethics, the crisis in respect for human life in the modern world and the Church's response to it are illustrated....

Bioethics in dialogue

The book presents in an accessible way the fundamental issues of bioethics in the light of the teaching of the Catholic Church. An outstanding expert on the subject, Fr Andrzej Muszala, PhD, professor at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, answering questions from Dorota Mazur,...

Mental health care Anthology of bioethics Volume 6

The sixth volume of the Anthology of Bioethics, published by TAiWPN Universitas under the scientific editorship of Wlodzimierz Galewicz, deals with fundamental questions of mental health care. What does mental illness or disorder actually consist of? How should we relate today to...

Anthology of Bioethics Volume 4 Justice in Medicine Part 1-2

THE FOURTH VOLUME OF THE ANTHOLOGY OF BIOETHICS, devoted to justice in medicine and health care, is a double volume. Its first part, Around the Right to Health Care, includes several classic positions in contemporary rights theory and selected works,...


The third volume of the Bioethics Anthology is devoted to biomedical research involving human subjects. It contains translations of some 20 important texts, mainly by American authors, dealing with topics such as: the differences between clinical research and medical care; general...