The legal situation of the patient has become one of the most important elements in the health care debate. It is linked to a specific situation. The patient is forced to give intimate details from his or her life when meeting with a medical expert. Patients' rights are...
The aim of this study was to find out nursing students' opinions on the respect of patient rights by students and medical staff during clinical activities. The study was conducted in the academic year 2011/2012 among nursing students at the Faculty of Sciences...
Patient's right to pain treatment
This article presents the new entitlement of patients in Poland to pain treatment, effective from May 2017, and analyses the legal regulations related to access to pain treatment in inpatient, outpatient and home care. The basis of the considerations...
Compulsory psychiatric hospitalisation by request, in the context of respecting the rights of the mental health clinic patient
This paper presents the specifics of the procedure for placing a patient in a psychiatric hospital on the basis of the so-called application procedure referred to in Article 29 of the Mental Health Act. This procedure has a unique character, as it does not bind ...
Patient's right to pastoral care in the light of the constitutional principle of equality of churches and other religions
The aim of this article is to present the patient's right to pastoral care taking into account the legal status of a given religious group. The analysis is conducted in accordance with the principle of equal rights of churches and other religious associations (Article 25(1) of the Polish Constitution of...
Patients' rights from a functional reflection perspective
In 1991, the Law on Health Care Institutions was passed in Poland. In the cited Act, the phrase 'patient rights' was used for the first time. Currently, there are several other laws in our country that directly address this issue. In recent years, the creation of...
Duty to inform the patient vis-à-vis his right to self-determination
The right to self-determination stems directly from the dignity of the human being. The right to privacy, respect for the free will of the individual, the right to decide on one's private life must be respected when a citizen exercises his or her rights. The right to self-determination finds...
The right of the patient-child to consent to the provision of health care,
The right to consent to healthcare is one of the most important patient rights, but it is limited in relation to children. The principle is that a minor patient who is 16 years of age or older consents to medical acts together with the designated...
Patient consent
The article addresses the issue of the patient's consent as a civil law event, the form of consent, types of consent, i.e. proper, substitutive, cumulative and defective consent. The author explains the issue of the patient's consent to a medical procedure. She addresses the issue of ...
Assessment of knowledge and attitudes of medical staff of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital named after Prof. Orlowski in Warsaw towards patients' rights
Respect for patients' rights by medical staff is the basis of a properly functioning health service. The aim of this study was to analyse the knowledge and attitudes of medical staff towards patients' rights. The study involved 100 doctors (40% specialists) and 100...
Right to a dignified death for patients unable to make a decision
Issues related to death and dying have aroused serious controversy in legal and medical circles for several years. For political and ideological reasons, the Polish legislator has not yet comprehensively regulated...
Patients' views on the paternalistic model in the doctor-patient relationship. Legal aspects of patient autonomy in healthcare
Paternalism is a part of traditional medicine in which the doctor's authoritarian approach to the patient prevails. The patient's autonomy in the paternalistic model is either very limited or non-existent. Since the late 1980s, there has been an ongoing critique of the paternalistic ...
Opinions of students of the Medical University of Gdańsk on observance of patients' rights during clinical classes
The aim of the study was to find out the students' opinions on the observance of patient rights by students and medical staff during clinical classes. The study was conducted in the academic year 2009/2010 on a group of 152 sixth-year students of the Faculty of Medicine of the Gdansk...
Patients' rights
The emergence of the vast field of medical law aims, among other things, to protect patients from the various risks brought about by advances in medical science. The importance attached today to the principle of respect for individual autonomy has further influenced the ...
Observance of patients' rights by medical personnel
Patients' rights are a set of entitlements to which a person is entitled for the use of health services. They are regulated by a body of law which includes standards of an objective nature informing what a patient can expect from the authority...