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Quality of life as a positive indicator of health

Among the indicators describing the health status of the population and its representative groups, we usually use a dichotomous division based on the assessment of selected parameters of human biological functioning and on epidemiological measures that take into account the direction,...


Endometriosis is a disease involving the implantation of endometrial structures outside the uterine cavity. In Poland, about 1 million women suffer from it. The problem is serious, but still underestimated. Endometriosis is characterised by three main symptoms: pelvic pain,...


The social consequences of cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease that affects just over 1,500 people in Poland, of whom only about 100 reach the age of 30 or more, are rarely studied from the perspective of the sociology of medicine. The nature of the disease requires great efforts ...


Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women. The diagnosis of this disease marks the beginning of a long road and a difficult fight against the disease for a woman. A mastectomy, or amputation of the breast, is an irreversible systemic process. For the patient, it is a traumatic experience....

Quality of life determined by the patient's condition

This article deals with the analysis of quality of life taking into account health status. The authors define the term quality of life. They characterise quality of life using subjective as well as objective instruments. They devote considerable attention to generic questionnaires (generic...

Quality of life in patients with bronchial asthma

A comprehensive view of the disease phenomenon is closely linked to the determination of patients' quality of life. This is particularly important in chronic respiratory diseases such as bronchial asthma. Recently, physical problems have increasingly been presented,...

Quality of life for women after mastectomy

Introduction. Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women and often requires breast amputation. Mastectomy is a great experience for women and often leads to a reduced quality of life. It is sought that the medical interventions undertaken not only...

Assessment of pain and quality of life in cancer patients

Performing an accurate pain assessment in cancer patients is a prerequisite for determining appropriate analgesic management. Pain assessment should include a proper estimation of pain intensity, as well as recognition of the type of pain from the point of view of pathomechanism: pain...

Impact of chronic skin diseases on patients' quality of life

Chronic dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, acne vulgaris or rosacea adversely affect patients' quality of life. Patients very often experience stress and a sense of stigma, and more often than not ...

Quality of life of patients diagnosed with breast cancer

Breast cancer is the second most common cause of death from malignant tumours in women. Breast cancer in its early stages does not cause symptoms, but in advanced disease it causes numerous physical symptoms, but also disrupts...

Rehabilitation and quality of life in older people

Old age is recognised in life-span psychology as a developmental period in which changes occur in the psychological, biological and social spheres. The consequences of declining levels of mobility are a change in self-image, the most important structure of personality....

Quality of life for women after breast amputation

The aim of the study was to assess the relationship with the partner of women after breast amputation and their social activity. Material and method. The study was conducted among 121 women after breast amputation, aged 40-70 years. The research tool was an original survey questionnaire. To ...