The article addresses patients' assessments of how doctors and patients can improve communication. Patients attribute more responsibility to doctors, while placing more importance on the doctor than on patient-related factors, w...
Understanding Patient Doctor Relationship via a Sample of Iraqi Doctors
The rapid changes in the healthcare system and the socio-political climate have placed a significant strain on the doctor-patient relationship. The doctor's role is to instil positive energy in the patient so that they can find relief from their suffering. The future doctor should...
Assessing patient-centred communication in teaching: a systematic review of instruments
The aim of this study was to systematically review existing tools that measure patient-centredness in doctor-patient communication and can be used to provide direct feedback. Despite the widely felt need for ...
Communication patterns in the doctor-patient relationship: evaluating determinants associated with low paternalism in Mexico
Paternalism limits communication between health professionals and patients and does not promote shared therapeutic decision-making. The aim of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of communication patterns used in clinical practice in Mexico ...
Intercultural communication through the eyes of patients: experiences and preferences
The aim of this article is to explore patients' preferences and experiences of intercultural communication, which may influence the development of patient-centred intercultural communication training. The study showed that all patients preferred a doctor with...
Doctor-Patient Relationship as Dancing a Dance
Because the concepts of the doctor-patient relationship and patient-centred consultation are multifaceted, understanding and teaching them is difficult. Using a metaphor is a tool that can be useful in such situations. It can be said that a 'good'...
Communication Skills of Physicians and Patients' Satisfaction
The present study was conducted to determine the impact of doctors' communication skills on patient satisfaction.It showed that there is a significant correlation between patient satisfaction and doctors' communication skills (dedication...
Developing skilled doctor-patient communication in the workplace: a qualitative study of the experiences of trainees and clinical supervisors
With the aim of developing recommendations to facilitate the learning of doctor-patient communication skills in the workplace, the qualitative study cited examines trainees' and supervisors' experiences of how trainees learn to communicate and how supervisors...
Exploring ways to manage healthcare professional-patient communication issues Pauline Leonard
Effective communication between clinicians and their patients has a positive impact not only on clinical outcomes, but also on patients' experience of care. Communication skills are an essential clinical skill that can be learned through various...
The Influence of Doctor-Patient Communication on Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review
In the systematic review presented here, 60% studies showed a positive effect of the doctor-patient relationship on health status. The role of information gathering and transfer (patient education) was the most studied, with a clearly positive effect on the relationship. Skills ...
Neuroethics scope at a glance
The term neuroethics describes a field of bioethics that deals with dilemmas arising from developments in neuroscience. Why are we so sensitive to the considerations of neuroethics? Because it involves the brain, the organ responsible for our perception, our thoughts and our conscience. Since 2002...
Who stole tomorrow?
Autism, aphasia, dysphasia, are just some of the terms for mental disabilities that we encounter in the media or in professional literature. Those who personally experience the illness or care for people with disabilities do not always know how to, a...
How to talk to children about illness, suffering, and death. Stories and fables
We associate childhood with safety. With a carefree world of play, protected by adults, where nothing bad can happen. Sometimes, however, everyday life and the sense of security begin to waver alarmingly. This is particularly the case in situations,...
Grandpa's memory is no longer as good as it used to be. But I love him as much as ever and I know that although he often forgets important things, he also loves me with all his might! A beautiful story about family, love and the joy of being together and how we can...
Letters to A
LETTERS TO A. - IS THIS A WORLD FOR OLD PEOPLE? An uninvited tenant turns a family's life upside down. Alzheimer's moves into the home of Anielka, her sister, parents and grandmother. He is the one who makes Grandma forgetful, confuses names, doesn't recognise the household members and...