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The challenge of patient adherence

The quality of healthcare outcomes depends on patients' adherence to recommended treatment regimens. Patient non-adherence can pose a pervasive threat to health and well-being, and entail a significant burden...

The physician-patient working Alliance, 2006

The cognitive and emotional dimensions of the doctor-patient relationship (working covenant) were examined in relation to patients' beliefs about the usefulness of treatment (perceived usefulness), patients' beliefs about their ability to adhere to treatment (adherence...

A collaborative approach to the treatment alliance in bipolar disorder

Objectives: The therapeutic alliance is the arena in which psychopharmacological and other therapeutic interventions occur. The nature and quality of the therapeutic alliance can influence treatment adherence and the realisation of the benefits of effective treatment....

Patient Medication Adherence: Measures in Daily Practice

Adherence to treatment is a major determinant of treatment success. Non-adherence is a serious problem that affects not only the patient but also the healthcare system. Patient non-adherence to medication leads to significant...

Medication Adherence: WHO Cares?

Treatment of chronic diseases usually involves long-term use of pharmacotherapy. Although these medications are effective in controlling disease, the full benefits are often not obtained because some 50% patients do not take their medication as prescribed. Factors ...

Adherence to Pediatric Medical Regimens,

This used to be called non-compliance , and the patients themselves were described as difficult . However, regardless of the terminology, children's reluctance to adhere to prescribed treatment regimens or failure to do so reduces the effectiveness of treatment, often leading to additional care,...