
Culture of death When medicine is allowed to harm

The theme of the publication focuses on cultural changes in the ethical, legal and social spheres, significantly affecting the conditions for practising medicine, especially with regard to its fundamental aims and values. source publisher description

Medical ethics

"Medical Ethics is an overview of the most important contemporary issues in the field - from issues as difficult as euthanasia to those related to the distribution of health services. The ethical questions relate to different areas of medicine, as well as access to and management of health services....

Ethics in medicine

The book covers the entirety of ethical issues occurring in modern medicine and all the issues that a doctor may encounter in their daily work, in particular: pain and suffering, terminal illness, transplantation and organ donation,...

The narrative of illness and the coming of tomorrow's medicine

The progress of modern biomedical science, which has disenchanted so many mysteries and myths, need not ultimately mean the complete victory of biotechnology over culture. Humans, notwithstanding the spectacular biomedical revolutions that have been taking place for several decades, still...

Narrative medicine - an overview

Narrative medicine, by focusing on the individuality of the patient, is a response to the objective treatment of the patient reducing him or her to the sum of bio-medical phenomena while ignoring the psycho-social and cultural aspect of his or her functioning. The practice of narrative ...

Narrative medicine Theory and practice

Narrative medicine shies away from conventional models of the 'doctor-patient relationship' and instead invites a fascinating exploration of the dynamics of the encounter. It reminds us that it is only when we allow ourselves to move beyond the clichés arising from assertive strategies that we...

Communication in the helping relationship - the suicidological aspect

This paper is a summary of considerations related to the topic of communication in a helping situation. The topic related to the communication aspect is very often addressed by professionals from many fields, but it is still a relevant issue and there are no practical...


The transformations taking place in the modern healthcare system have affected various areas of functioning, including a change in the doctor-patient relationship. There are increasing demands on medical personnel in the area of interpersonal relations with patients of institutions....


Heart failure (HF) is defined clinically as a syndrome in which a patient presents with typical subjective symptoms (e.g. dyspnoea, swelling around the ankles and fatigue) and physical symptoms (e.g. elevated jugular venous pressure, crackles over the lung fields and...

Communication in palliative care

Communication is based on the intentional exchange of signs (symbols) undertaken to enhance cooperation or the sharing of meaning between partners. It takes place on many levels - from intrapersonal, to interpersonal (involving a group of people),...

Difficulties in communicating with a patient with Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease involves the progressive breakdown of brain function in the clinical picture of a dementia syndrome. In addition to marked memory loss, there are impairments in thinking, language function, emotional life and logical reasoning. As the disease progresses, the patient ...