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Improving Patient Treatment AdherenceA Clinician's Guide

Virtually all medical and behavioural health therapies require at least some degree of patient adherence to be successful. Despite the link between health behaviours and outcomes, little attention has been paid to developing...

Book aims to improve patients' adherence to doctors' instructions

Every year, millions of people resolve to adopt a better diet, exercise more or lose weight, but doctors know that the likelihood of patients developing new health behaviours and maintaining them is low. In fact, studies show that between 25 and 50 per cent...

Ethical Issues in Cancer Patient Care 2008

This book addresses a variety of ethical issues that arise in the care of oncology patients. Many volumes have been written on medical ethics over the past 30 years. However, few have focused on ethical issues specific to the care of ...

Enhancing Medication Adherence. The Public Health Dilemma

This book is a comprehensive guide to medication adherence designed for healthcare professionals. Both doctors and pharmacists can benefit from the text by author Hayden Bosworth, who explains the details and reasons for non-adherence....

Patient-Centred Ethics and Communication at the End of Life 2005

This book provides the best available information on current healthcare priorities around the world. It describes the methods currently used in the six countries leading the process and compiles the differences between them. It shows how, with the exception of...

End-Of-Life Decision Making: A Cross-National Study 2007

This analysis of end-of-life decision-making offers a broader perspective than that found in the extensive existing literature on the subject, offering an international comparison. Experts from twelve countries analyse the issues surrounding death ...

Patient Compliance: Sweetening the Pill

Enormous global resources are devoted to the delivery of therapeutic interventions, from diet and lifestyle advice to complex surgeries. In all cases, regardless of the intervention, unless the recipient is involved in the process and understands the...

Crossing Over: Narratives of Palliative Care 2000

This book is a unique look at patients, families and their carers as they strive together to provide comfort and hope in the face of terminal illness. Narratives weave together the emotions, physical symptoms, spiritual issues and stresses of family life, as well as...