Publications abroad

Ethics in Nursing. Handbook for undergraduate nursing students

The textbook Ethics in the work of nurses is addressed primarily to undergraduate level students of the faculties of nursing and health sciences in Poland, intending to undertake nursing activities in public and non-public health care institutions....

Ethics in nursing practice

Nurses make countless decisions about patient care in their practice. Each such decision is translated into a concrete action to help the patient. There is a huge area of ordinary day-to-day activities ...

Caring or loving kindness - the ethical basis of the nurse's work

Caring and selfless love for others are values that have been an important focus of nursing ethics and theory for centuries. Moral principles in working with patients play an important role in making appropriate decisions and evaluating ethical acts....

Problems of institutionalisation of ethics in health care

With the place of health and health security in the hierarchy of social and individual values, the need for institutionalised high ethical standards is becoming more widely felt. The article presents a diagram of the evolution of ...

Ethics, law and biomedicine

The dynamic development of biomedical sciences is, on the one hand, a source of great hope in terms of increasing the length and quality of human life, while, on the other hand, continually raising moral questions that can be reduced to one fundamental...

The meaning and dignity of the human body in medical practice

From an existential point of view, the doctor-patient relationship belongs to a special type of interpersonal relationship, hence ethical standards in medicine are part of the essence of medicine. Encountering the patient in the practice of medicine means contact with the body and even direct...

Ethical aspects of end of life

Caring for the critically ill requires professional training, but also great wisdom for life, preceded by deep ethical and moral reflection. In palliative medicine, the interest in ethical principles is enormous because of the specific problems that arise ...


Illness, suffering, dying and death are difficult problems of human existence. As a consequence of the increasing incidence of cancer and other diseases not amenable to causal treatment, the number of people requiring palliative care is increasing. The prospect of impending ...