Publications abroad

Improving patient compliance with asthma therapy

For a variety of reasons, patients do not adhere to their prescribed asthma medication. Reasons include physical inability to use the inhaler, forgetfulness, or a conscious decision not to take the medication as prescribed due to internal or cultural beliefs....

Adherence to antiepileptic drug therapy

Adherence to antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy is crucial for successful treatment of the disease, but adherence and persistence rates are low due to several barriers. Non-adherence to antiepileptic pharmacotherapy is...

A patient diary as a tool to improve medicine compliance

Compliance (Compilance) is a well-recognised but still unresolved health problem. One of the methods currently used to measure adherence to treatment recommendations in a clinical drug trial is the patient diary. Patient adherence ...

The challenge of patient adherence

The quality of healthcare outcomes depends on patients' adherence to recommended treatment regimens. Patient non-adherence can pose a pervasive threat to health and well-being, and entail a significant burden...