by Igor Grzesiak | Jul 18, 2023 | News
The Code of Medical Ethics is a document that sets the direction for the practice of medicine by doctors worldwide. It is a set of principles to guide doctors in their ethical and professional responsibilities. The code is not...
by Igor Grzesiak | Jul 13, 2023 | News
Illness, regardless of its nature or severity, is always a challenge for both the patient and those around them. When a loved one becomes seriously ill, the onus is often on us to provide appropriate care. In the following...
by Igor Grzesiak | Jul 8, 2023 | News
At a time when technology is infiltrating virtually every aspect of our lives, including healthcare, it is important not to forget the values that form the foundation of medicine - humanism. What is the humanisation of medicine? The humanisation of medicine is.
by Igor Grzesiak | Jun 6, 2023 | News
The humanisation of medicine is an approach to treating the patient that focuses on the patient's needs, not just the disease. It involves a holistic approach to the patient, not just as a medical case. Today, an increasing number of doctors and patients...
by Igor Grzesiak | Jun 2, 2023 | News
Medicine is a field that is inextricably linked with illness, suffering and pain. Patients who visit the doctor often experience strong emotions such as fear, uncertainty and helplessness. In such a situation, it is important that the patient feels treated ...
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