The book consists of eight chapters, which are divided into theoretical and empirical parts. The theoretical part draws on knowledge about the doctor-patient relationship accumulated from the fields of medicine, health psychology or the sociology of medicine. In the chapter...
Communication about health, illness and treatment
The collection of articles is devoted to a wide range of issues at the interface of psychology and medicine. The papers have been gathered into logically established three sections presenting the fundamental problems involved in presenting social communication research in terms of understanding...
Communication in health care
The book addresses both general issues - e.g. the importance of professional communication in the doctor-patient relationship, the needs of the patient - and specific issues concerning the principles and specificities of contact with certain groups of patients. The authors use clear and helpful ...
How to talk to the patient
The author has developed this book on interpersonal communication with healthcare professionals in mind. In his view, every doctor should be able to talk to a patient in such a way that he or she can make a diagnosis and determine further treatment without missing an opportunity to...
Patient communication. Relationships and communication
Communicating with Patients. Relationships and Communication is a unique publication that presents patient communication as a set of multiple skills:: humanistic and medical, theoretical and practical. The main feature of the book is the interdisciplinary approach to...
Psychological competence in the work of the doctor
You are in a very difficult profession. And a very responsible one. And very beautiful. As you make decisions about treatment choices, guided by the welfare of the patient, informed by the effects of treatment, you rejoice in every recovery but sometimes, you also endure frustrations....
How to talk effectively to the patient and their family? GP practice
The aim of the book is to provide practical information that will help the GP to establish and maintain contact with patients and to learn about their expectations and concerns about their illness, and for medical students to see what the doctor's work...
A guide to doctor-patient communication
The book presents the principles of proper physician-patient communication. It discusses, among other things, issues of verbal and non-verbal communication, the importance of the medical history, the role of doctor-patient communication in shaping health-promoting behaviour....
Cancer Stories: The art of communication in oncology care
Nell Dunn's play 'Tales of Cancer', captures the experiences of people affected by cancer, and their families and carers, at all stages of their struggle with the disease. The study 'Tales of Cancer. The art of communication in oncology care' was produced in collaboration with...
Psychology in medicine: Supports patient collaboration and the treatment process
Through his experiences in medical work, Peter Salmon makes us aware of the impact of an individual's beliefs, emotions and behaviours (both those of the patient and the professional working with them) on the process of diagnosis and treatment and the difficulties that arise during this process. His book is...
Talking to the patient: A handbook for improving communication skills and building partnerships; tips for doctors, medical staff, volunteers, the patient's family
Numerous studies indicate that a large proportion of patients are dissatisfied with their relationship with healthcare professionals. The source of this dissatisfaction is rarely the incompetence of the latter. More often it is a lack of ability to establish psychological contact with patients....
Power and identity in doctor-patient communication
The book's attempt to describe doctor-patient communication in Poland may help to understand what actually happens behind the doctor's office door and facilitate a more informed and thus effective doctor-patient relationship....
A practical guide to physician-patient communication
Maintaining a relationship with a patient is an essential part of a doctor's work. A Practical Guide to Physician-Patient Communication shows how to skilfully apply the theoretical foundations of communication to everyday clinical practice. The publication prompts reflection on ...
Doctor-patient communication. Theory and practice
The convergence of the processes of media saturation (saturation of society with media) and the mediatisation of many spheres of public life entail changes in the functioning of Polish society. Subjected to permanent stimulation, the individual increasingly imagines...
Being a doctor, being a patient. Conversations on the psychology of relationships
The book is about the relationship between doctor and patient. It is a special relationship because it triggers a multitude of projections, transfers and feelings. Knowing about them makes it easier to deal with them. Doctors and patients will find in the book what rules need to be followed in order to...