(doctor-patient relationship) https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=156815 This article presents the changes occurring in the doctor-patient relationship after the emergence of new communication technologies, in particular the Internet. The author presents selected models,...
The concept of trust in the doctor-patient relationship in the light of qualitative research
(Doctor-patient relationship) Trust between doctor and patient, in addition to its ability to build a lasting relationship, modelling the behaviour of both partners, also has therapeutic value. Despite the growing interest in this issue, it still requires in-depth ...
Patient-doctor relationship: a conflict of attitudes in the context of hypertension pharmacotherapy
(doctor-patient relationship)https://jms.ump.edu.pl/uploads/2013/4/335_4_82_2013.pdf The authors consider the relationship between doctor and patient. This multifaceted interaction can always carry within it the hallmarks of conflict. The authors identify several of these, highlighting their...
Communication models in the doctor-patient relationship
(Doctor-patient relationship) The transformations taking place in the modern healthcare system have affected various areas of functioning, including a change in the doctor-patient relationship. There are increasing demands on medical personnel in the area of interpersonal relations....
What lies at the root of poor doctor-patient collaboration? - a psychologist's view
(The doctor-patient relationship) This paper presents the doctor-patient relationship in terms of interactions taking place in a specific environment such as health care institutions. It identifies what the role of the patient is, as well as the consequences of a paternalistic relationship ...
Touch in the physiotherapist-patient relationship and the limits of physical contact. Progress in rehabilitation
(Physiotherapist-patient relationship/crossing the boundaries of intimacy in medicine) https://www.deepdyve.com/lp/de-gruyter/dotyk-w-relacji-fizjoterapeuta-pacjent-a-granice- contact-physical-8IgB0n2p0H The physiotherapy-patient relationship is a specific type of contact,...
Doctor-patient communication: an overview
(doctor-patient relationships) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3096184/. "Effective doctor-patient communication is a central clinical function in building the therapeutic doctor-patient relationship, which is the heart and art of medicine. It is important in providing ...
Clinical communication - comparing doctors' and patients' views
(doctor-patient relationship) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315715708_Komunikacja_kliniczna_-_porownanie_opinii_lekarzy_i_pacjentow The study included 100 physicians and 373 clinical patients. The aim of the study was to evaluate medical communication from the point of view of...
Teaching communicative competence in medical science in mono- and multicultural settings
https://wladzasadzenia.pl/2019/16/nauczanie-kompetencji-komunikacyjnych-w-naukach- medical-in-mono-and-multicultural-environment.pdf (doctor-patient relationship) "Effective communication between the patient and medical staff determines the success of the process of diagnosis and...
Communication between doctor and family of people at the end of life in care facilities
The aim of this study was to summarise the current knowledge of communication at the end of life between doctor and relative of dying nursing home patients. A review of the literature showed that relatives of dying patients reported low satisfaction with the quality of communication with...
On the restoration of the importance of ethical assumptions in modern medicine
"The aim of this paper is to draw attention to the ethical problems in medicine observed in the doctor-patient relationship. In some cases, this relationship is characterised by the phenomenon of dehumanisation, especially when the patient is treated as an object. This means, among other things, ...
The narrative of illness and the coming of tomorrow's medicine
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mateusz-Szubert- 2/publication/338337579_Narracyjnosc_choroby_i_nadejscie_medcyny_jutra/links/5e0ddc86 299bf10bc38a34e5/Narracyjnosc-choroby-i-nadejscie-medcyny-jutra.pdf The aim of the article is a multifaceted approach to illness....
Interpersonal communication in nursing
Talking to the sick is one of the most difficult tasks facing doctors, nurses and relatives of sick people. The modern nurse cannot be a true professional without the ability to properly communicate her knowledge and without a good ability to...
Communication with the patient
Communication with Patients is a book for doctors that teaches how to listen, how to talk, how to resolve conflicts and how to provide support, i.e. how to build a good relationship with a patient, understand their intentions and behaviour, and how to overcome emerging...
Communication in health care - interpersonal, organisational and media,
The book presents a range of issues related to the new social science discipline of health communication. The authors presented the main issues relating to media and communication in shaping patient attitudes....