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Origins of Human Life. An anthology of bioethics

A volume designed to introduce interested readers to contemporary discussions around the moral problems of procreation, this book is already the second link in a wider Anthology of Bioethics. The works collected in it, mainly by authors from Anglo-Saxon circles, have been ...

Around Death and Dying. An anthology of bioethics

"At the end of many a man's life, and sometimes even in the middle, if not even at the beginning of his expected life, there comes a moment of uneasy decision-making: it is a moment at which not infrequently he himself, and even more often those who care for him - his loved ones, his ...

From personal autonomy to patient autonomy

This collective work presents a personalistic conception of the autonomy of the person and the autonomy of the patient. Dignity is treated here as a fundamental value, a core value, around which the whole hierarchy of other values and goods is grouped. The approach presented here goes...


Bioethics refers to the ethics of the life sciences and refers to both the life sciences and the normative sciences dealing with the moral principles, values, norms and practices associated with bioethical interventions, particularly in human life. As an ethics of human ...

The beginning of human life - bioethical challenges and risks

The next publication of the Bioethics Committee of the Bydgoszcz Medical Chamber and the Ludwik Rydygier Medical College at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, edited by Prof. Władysław Sinkiewicz, MD, PhD, and Rev. Dr. Rafał Grabowski, MD, PhD, is a further continuation of and an important voice in the discussion...

Human biogenesis in the bioethical standards of the Council of Europe

The monograph is the first attempt in the Polish literature to comprehensively present the bioethical standards of the Council of Europe concerning the issue of the origin of human life in the context of the development of biology and medicine. The author, after a preliminary...

Bioethical standards in European law,

The aim of the publication is to present European standards in biomedicine as comprehensively as possible. Due to the controversial nature of the topics (such as embryo research, the use of genetics, abortion or euthanasia) and the wide differences in standards ...

Bioethics. Anatomy of a dispute

In Bioethics, Sister Barbara Chyrowicz points to the sources of contemporary bioethical dilemmas. At the same time, she avoids a moralistic tone in order to provide readers with reliable knowledge instead. Bioethics... is reading for all those who want to understand the essence of...

BIOETHICS. Between law and pedagogy: Analyses and reflections

The book by Mirosław Kowalski and Błażej Kmieciak Bioetyka. Between Law and Pedagogy is undoubtedly an exceptional study, showing and analysing the influence of legal regulations on the formation of moral attitudes, especially in the context of the creation of legal norms of...

International bioethics standards: documents and case law

The publication is a comprehensive collection of document translations covering both texts of international conventions, soft law documents and rulings of the European Court of Human Rights on human rights protection issues in the context of the development of sciences and techniques....

Personalistic bioethics in the face of biomedical challenges

In Poland in recent years, the words bioethics and bioethical have become better known and even popular. This is mainly due to the social media, which actively participate in the discussion on the legal regulation of bioethical issues, in...

Bioethics for all

The advances being made in biotechnology present us with new and difficult moral challenges. The discussion of these issues does not only take place among specialists, but also involves a wide range of public opinion. Bioethics for All is an accessible ...

Bioethics in relation to human reproductive cloning

The author takes a closer look at one of the more controversial issues of human reproductive cloning; an issue widely discussed in recent years by bioethicists, theologians, sociologists, lawyers and also politicians. The book discusses cloning, its...