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Rights of mentally ill persons in the light of current legislation,

Respecting the rights of the patient, regardless of medical speciality, is the responsibility of every state. Patients' rights are a specific category of human rights and find their origin in their dignity. The aim of this study is to present the legal provisions on the rights of persons...

Rights from a sociopedagogical perspective

Patients' rights are specific in nature. They relate to an exceptional situation. The patient comes to the doctor at a time of suffering, pain, difficulty. The doctor has the knowledge and skills to treat. He has the ability to help the patient. However, treatment involves...

Patient's right to pastoral care

Freedom of conscience and religion is an important value, protected in Poland both by constitutional regulation and by many acts of a lower rank. It derives from it the possibility of freely adopting worldviews, including religious views, and then their...

Patient capacity to consent to surgery vs. legal capacity

This article is devoted to an analysis of the relationship between the institution of capacity established by the Civil Code and the capacity of the patient to give consent, the construction of which is provided for in the Act on Patients' Rights and Ombudsman...

Therapeutic responsibility of professional patient advocates

What do we associate the law with? Most people probably associate the law with the courtroom, the profession of lawyer or judge. Rarely, however, do scholars' discussions draw attention to the fact that law can also be an extremely important aspect of the inner experience. Sociology ...

Patients' rights: reflections towards change

At the beginning of December, the national media notified the public of the dismissal of the Patient Ombudsman by the Prime Minister. The news came as no surprise to some experts in the field of patient rights. After all, the Ombudsman had been in office for more than ...

Rights of patients with mental disorders

Legislation is present today in virtually every area of life, including medicine. Legislation concerning the care of patients with mental disorders who, because of a medical condition or...


One of the fundamental human rights is the right to self-determination, which in medical law is expressed through the patient's consent to treatment. Therefore, the Polish legislator wants to guarantee the realisation of this right in the best possible way and has issued a number of...