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Humanistic aspects of medical information management

Humanistic aspects of medical information management

In the era of digitalisation and Big Data, medical information management has become one of the key elements of the healthcare system. Although technological innovations such as electronic medical records (EDM) and telemedicine have significantly facilitated the collection and...

The role of medical records in the humanisation of medicine

The role of medical records in the humanisation of medicine

Medicine, as a field of science and practice, requires precision, meticulousness and accountability. A key role in this context is played by medical records, which are an essential part of the management of treatment and patient care. However, in the context of ...

Contemporary care: building a bond of trust between patient and doctor

Contemporary care: building a bond of trust between patient and doctor

Trust - is a word of great importance in the context of healthcare. It is the cornerstone of the patient-physician relationship, and its absence can complicate or even prevent effective care. In an age of evolving technology and increasing patient autonomy, building...

Restoring Humanity: Patient Experience Centre

Restoring Humanity: Patient Experience Centre

We are all aware that healthcare is one of the most important aspects of our lives. However, in the world of medicine, where science and technology dominate the discussion, the most important element of this ecosystem - the patient - is sometimes forgotten. However, do we ...

Balancing regulation and empathy: Humanising medicine

Balancing regulation and empathy: Humanising medicine

In an era of increasing medical complexity, technological innovation and bureaucratic constraints, the challenge is to maintain a delicate balance between necessary regulation and the deeply human element of empathy. This balancing act is becoming a key element in...

Artificial intelligence and the humanisation of medicine

Artificial intelligence and the humanisation of medicine

When we talk about artificial intelligence (AI), we start to wonder what our everyday lives will look like when machines, with algorithms that mimic the human mind, are ubiquitous - from the workplace to school to our homes. The same questions are becoming...