Immigrants in Canada represent a significant proportion of the population and have unique and complex health needs. The present study was undertaken to assess family physicians' views on the care of this population. Questionnaires were distributed to family physicians in Montreal ( n =...
Cultural differences in medical communication: A review of the literature
Culture and ethnicity are often cited as barriers to creating effective and satisfying doctor-patient relationships. The aim of this article is to gain greater insight into the problems of cross-cultural medical communication by reviewing research ...
Doctor-Patient Relationships
The doctor-patient relationship was and remains the cornerstone of care. But there are many ways to understand, classify and practice the doctor-patient relationship. In this scenario, this article begins the task of sorting out the different ways of understanding, naming,...
Power Issues in the Doctor-Patient Relationship
Power is an inevitable aspect of all social relationships and is inherently neither good nor bad. Doctors need power to fulfil their professional responsibilities to many people, including patients, communities and themselves. Patients need power,...
Socio-economic status of the patient and doctor-patient communication: does it make a difference?
This systematic review, which included 12 original research papers and meta-analyses, investigated whether patients' socio-economic status affects doctor-patient communication. The results show that patients from lower social classes receive...
An exploration of the value of the personal doctor-patient relationship in general practice
In the context of medical practice, continuity of care provides an opportunity to develop the doctor-patient relationship, with significant benefits for patients and general practitioners (GPs). However, continuity of care is threatened by trends in organisational development ...
Doctor-Patient communication and cancer patients' quality of life and satisfaction, 2000
This study investigated the relationship between (a) doctors' and patients' communication and (b) doctors' focus on the patient during the oncology consultation and patients' quality of life and satisfaction. Consultations of 96 consecutive cancer patients were recorded and ...
Learning in the workplace: Use of informal feedback cues in doctor-patient communication
Doctors are expected to be lifelong learners. Participation in clinical practice is an important potential source of this learning. This study shows how doctors recognise and use informal feedback from interactions with patients in...
Predictors of Satisfaction With Doctor and Nurse Communication: A National Study Daniel
Research indicates that effective communication between medical staff and patients is associated with many positive outcomes for patients, but few studies have examined the impact of ecological factors (e.g. hospital size, local demographics) on the reported...
What patients like or dislike in physicians: Analyzing drivers of patient satisfaction and dissatisfaction using a digital topic modelling approach
This study collected reviews from a publicly accessible medical website from January 2014 to December 2018 and then used a text mining method to reveal the semantics of patients' healthcare experiences. The proposed method revealed. W...
Interpersonal trust in doctor-patient relationship: Evidence from dyadic analysis and association with quality of dyadic communication
As members of diadic relationships, both patients and doctors influence each other's behaviour and are interdependent on each other because they share a common past history and ultimately a common future. The study found that if a doctor reported a high level of trust in...
Communication Skills in Patient-Doctor Interactions: Learning from Patient Complaints
Despite communication skills training in medical school, junior doctors still demonstrate poor patient-doctor communication skills. Four main themes of communication errors were identified, namely: non-verbal (contact...
Patient-Centered Communication Mediates the Relationship between Health Information Acquisition and Patient Trust in Physicians: A FiveYear Comparison in China
Public trust in the health professions has declined in recent decades. One factor may be the flood of health information available from various sources. However, how the acquisition of health information affects patient trust remains unclear. W...
Communication behaviours and patient autonomy in hospital care: A qualitative study
Shared decision-making is not always the norm in hospital care. Although doctors explain treatment plans, many hospitalised patients do not understand them enough to make autonomous decisions. In the present study, all doctors explained ...
Interpersonal communication in healthcare
Communication is an essential clinical skill that, when performed competently and effectively, facilitates the establishment of a relationship of trust between medical staff and patients, helping to create a truly therapeutic alliance. In addition to competency ...