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The Ethics of Bioethics: Mapping the Moral Landscape

Stem cell research. The influence of a pharmaceutical company. Miscarriage. Prevention of pregnancy. Long-term and end-of-life care. Human participant research. Informed consent. The list of ethical issues in science, medicine and public health is long and...

A Short History of Medical Ethics Reprint Edition

A doctor states: "I have an ethical duty never to cause the death of a patient", while another replies: "It is my ethical duty to relieve pain even if the patient dies". The current dispute over the role of doctors in helping patients to die continually refers to...

Principles of Biomedical Ethics

Principles of Biomedical Ethics is a highly original, practical and insightful guide to morality in the health professions. Acclaimed authors Tom L. Beauchamp and James F. Childress thoroughly develop and advocate the four principles that underlie...

The Birth of Bioethics

This book is the first comprehensive history of the emerging field of bioethics. It covers the period 1947-1987 and examines the origins and evolution of debates about human experimentation, genetic engineering, organ transplantation, the end of life-sustaining treatment,...

Surrogacy in India: Bioethics, Human Rights and Agency

The author of the book interviewed 45 surrogate mothers (SMs) who had completed 63 births and delivered 90 children from 2007 to 2017. All of the surrogate mothers had completed surrogacy when they were interviewed. This research indicates that they continue to ...

American Bioethics: Crossing Human Rights and Health Law Boundaries

Bioethics was 'born in the USA' and the values that American bioethics holds are based on American law, including freedom and justice. This book crosses the boundaries between bioethics and the law, but goes beyond the national law / bioethics struggle for...

Bioethical Decision Making and Argumentation

This book clarifies the meaning of the most important and ubiquitous concepts and tools in bioethical argumentation (principles, values, dignity, rights, duties, forethought, prudence) and assesses the methodological relevance of the main methods of clinical decision-making and...


This book is a collection of essays published in memory of David Thomasma, one of the leading humanists in the field of bioethics in the 20th century. A pioneer in the field of multidisciplinary research, combining the major theological and philosophical traditions of the West with contemporary science,...

Handbook of Global Bioethics

The Handbook of Global Bioethics was published at the right time for the gradual development of bioethics. Started as a critical discourse towards the professional ethics of the medical profession, the new discipline of bioethics emerged in the 1970s mainly in Western countries....

Well-Mannered Medicine: Medical Ethics and Etiquette in Classical Ayurveda

This book explores the moral discourses on medical practice in the primary texts of Ayurveda. Classical Ayurvedic treatises were written in Sanskrit between the 1st and 7th centuries AD, and later works, dating to the 16th century AD, are still considered strongly authoritative....