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Restoring Humanity: Patient Experience Centre

11 August 2023

We are all aware that healthcare is one of the most important aspects of our lives. However, in the world of medicine, where science and technology dominate the discussion, the most important element of this ecosystem - the patient - is sometimes forgotten. But can healthcare restore humanity by focusing on the patient experience? Without a doubt, the answer is 'yes'.

What is humanity? The definition of humanity is complex, but it can be simplified to a sense of being respected, understood and taken into account. Restoring humanity in healthcare means paying attention to these aspects, ensuring empathy and respect in interactions with patients.

Understanding the patient's experience

Understanding the patient experience is key to restoring humanity in healthcare. This includes listening to the patient, acknowledging the patient's experience and even actively participating in their care. Patients are not only recipients of care, but also active participants in the treatment process.

We often focus on symptoms and treatments, forgetting that patients are people with unique stories, emotions and experiences. By understanding the patient's experience, healthcare professionals can tailor their approach to provide more personalised care, which in turn can lead to better treatment outcomes.

Empathy and communication

The basis for restoring humanity is empathy. This means that medical staff must be able to understand and share the emotions of their patients. Empathy leads to better communication, which is essential for understanding the patient's needs and desires.

Communication is not only a way to understand the patient, but also to build trust. A patient who feels that he or she is understood and respected is more likely to cooperate with medical staff, which can significantly affect the effectiveness of treatment.

Holistic care

The patient's experiences do not end with the body. They also have a profound impact on their mind and soul. Introducing a holistic approach to healthcare that addresses both the physical, mental and emotional aspects of health is key to restoring humanity.

Holistic healthcare allows us to understand the full picture of a patient's health, taking into account all aspects of their life that may affect their health. This includes not only the state of their body, but also their emotions, relationships, environment and even their spirituality.

The role of patient education

Restoring humanity in healthcare also includes patient education. Allowing patients to better understand their condition and the treatment process enables them to participate more fully in their care. This understanding is key to transforming the patient from a passive recipient of healthcare to an active participant.

Patient education can include discussions about diagnoses, treatments, potential side effects, and lifestyle management that may affect health. Understanding these elements can help patients to make informed decisions about their health, leading to greater satisfaction with care and better treatment outcomes.

Technology as a support tool

In the digital age, technology is becoming an increasingly important tool to improve the patient experience. Mobile apps, patient portals, telemedicine - all can contribute to more personalised, patient-centred healthcare.

Technology can facilitate communication between patients and medical staff, enable rapid access to patient health information and even provide mental health support through digital therapeutic tools. When used properly, technology can become a powerful tool in the quest to restore humanity in healthcare.

Restoring humanity in healthcare is not an easy task. It requires a change in thinking, approach and practice across the system. But it is an endeavour that is not only possible, but essential.

By understanding the patient experience, practising empathy, focusing on communication, introducing a holistic approach to healthcare, patient education and using technology, we can transform healthcare into a more humanistic experience. And this, in turn, can lead to better patient outcomes, greater patient satisfaction and an overall increase in healthcare quality.