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The code of medical ethics: a practical commentary from the perspective of the Humanisation of Medicine

18 July 2023

The Code of Medical Ethics is a document that sets the direction for the practice of medicine by doctors worldwide. It is a set of principles to guide physicians in their ethical and professional responsibilities. This code is not static; it evolves along with advances in medicine and society. But how does this evolutionary process affect the practical application of medical ethics, especially in the context of the humanisation of medicine?

Humanisation of medicine

The humanisation of medicine is an approach that focuses on the aspect of care, empathy and respect for the dignity and autonomy of the patient. In this perspective, the code of medical ethics is not only a set of rules, but also a catalyst for a more humanistic approach to medical practice.

Code of medical ethics: a guideline in the Humanisation of Medicine

The Code of Medical Ethics serves as a guide for doctors, pointing out the importance of treating the patient as an individual with unique needs and rights. The Code emphasises the need to respect patient autonomy, maintain medical confidentiality, provide the best possible medical care and respect human rights. All these elements are in line with the concept of humanising medicine.

Ethics in practice: responsibility for the patient

The practical application of the code of medical ethics involves balancing different aspects of patient care. Doctors must consider not only the physical but also the emotional, social and spiritual aspects of a patient's health. The humanisation of medicine places an additional responsibility on doctors - to understand and appreciate the full spectrum of the patient's life experience.

The role of empathy and communication

Empathy and effective communication are key aspects of humanising medicine, and the code of medical ethics serves as a reminder of these values. Patients value doctors who can listen, understand their concerns and worries, and communicate in a clear and respectful manner. Using these skills helps to build relationships based on trust and mutual respect, which is key to effective medical care.

Importance of patient autonomy

The Code of Medical Ethics also emphasises the importance of patient autonomy - the right to self-determination in matters relating to one's own health. In practice, this means that doctors should respect patients' decisions, even if they disagree with them. Autonomy is part and parcel of the humanisation of medicine, enabling patients to actively participate in the treatment process and promoting their dignity.

Recognising patient autonomy, however, is not a simple task. It is a process that requires awareness, training and practice. Doctors must be equipped with the skills necessary to provide patients with clear, understandable and complete information that allows them to make informed decisions. They must also be prepared for the fact that their patients may have different views, values and goals that may influence their treatment decisions.

Code of medical ethics: the key to the Humanisation of Medicine

The Code of Medical Ethics serves as a key document that helps doctors understand and fulfil these obligations. Its importance goes beyond formal rules and regulations, influencing medical practice in a way that promotes the humanisation of medicine. Doctors who follow these principles have the opportunity to build deeper and more meaningful relationships with their patients, improve the quality of care and contribute to better patient outcomes.