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In search of the humanisation of medicine: a journey into the DNA of healthcare

8 July 2023

At a time when technology is infiltrating virtually every aspect of our lives, including healthcare, it is important not to forget the values that form the foundation of medicine - humanism.

What is the humanisation of medicine?

Humanising medicine is a process that focuses on optimising healthcare in the context of the emotional, social and cultural aspects of the patient. In a humanistic approach to the treatment process, it is important to ensure that the patient is treated not just as a collection of symptoms to be diagnosed and treated, but as a unique person with their own feelings, values and experiences.

Empathy at the forefront

At the heart of the humanisation of medicine is empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. This is what allows doctors and other healthcare professionals to not only understand a patient's physical suffering, but also the emotional and psychological consequences of illness. The use of empathy allows care to be better tailored to the needs of the patient, which in turn can lead to a better patient experience and better patient outcomes.

Culture of care

Humanising medicine also requires a change of culture in healthcare facilities. We should put the patient's welfare first, promote open communication and collaboration, and create a space where patients feel respected and listened to. This requires an understanding that every patient is unique and deserves individual attention.

Technology as a tool, not an end

In an age where technology plays a key role in medicine, it is important to remember that it is a tool, not a goal. Technology can help improve healthcare, but it should not replace the human element. Health apps, telemedicine, artificial intelligence - all can help improve healthcare, but only if used in a way that respects and emphasises the value of the human element.

Towards humanisation

Humanising medicine is not an easy task, but it is a goal we are working towards, believing in the fundamental value of human beings in the world of medicine. Such a change must occur on many levels - from individual patient interactions to the culture and structure of the entire healthcare system.

Education and training

A key element of this change is the education and training of future and current healthcare professionals. Many experts note that the humanisation of medicine should be an integral part of medical education. In practice, this means putting communication, empathy, ethics and cultural awareness into training.


Communication is a pillar of the humanisation of medicine. In practice, this means being able to listen effectively to patients, but also being able to express thoughts and feelings clearly and empathetically. Good communication helps to build relationships based on trust, which can make a significant difference to the effectiveness of healthcare.

Co-managed decisions

A growing body of research indicates that better healthcare outcomes are achieved through co-managed decisions, that is, when patients are actively involved in making decisions about their treatment. In this way, patients feel they are in control of their health, which can contribute to greater satisfaction with care and better health outcomes.


In our quest to humanise medicine, we are wandering deep into the DNA of healthcare. Although technology plays an important role in modern medicine, we must remember that it is only a tool that should serve to emphasise, not replace, the value of humanism. In the future, our goal should be to create a healthcare system that is patient-centred, based on empathy and respect, with a strong emphasis on open and effective communication.