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What does the humanisation of medicine offer the patient?

31 May 2023

Humanising medicine is an approach that puts the patient at the centre of medical care. It involves treating the patient as a person and not just as a medical case. This approach has many benefits for the patient, and here are some of them.

Firstly, the humanisation of medicine allows the patient to better understand his or her condition and treatment options. A doctor who makes an effort to understand the patient's needs and expectations is able to tailor a treatment plan to the patient's individual needs. A patient who feels that his or her opinion is taken into account is more involved in the treatment process and is willing to make better decisions about his or her health.

Secondly, the humanisation of medicine allows the patient to have a better understanding of their emotional state and to receive emotional support during difficult moments. Patients often experience strong emotions, such as anxiety, fear and uncertainty, related to their illness. A doctor who is able to respond empathetically to these emotions can help the patient cope with them. A patient who feels that they are listened to and understood can feel relieved and secure.

Thirdly, the humanisation of medicine allows the patient to maintain their dignity and autonomy. Patients often feel helpless and out of control of their illness and treatment. A doctor who treats the patient with respect and empathy is more likely to listen to the patient, to consider the patient's opinions and to seek solutions that are in line with the patient's values and preferences. As a result, the patient feels more confident and makes decisions that meet their individual needs.

Fourthly, the humanisation of medicine allows the patient to have a better relationship with the doctor and other medical professionals. In the traditional medical approach, the doctor is often seen as an authority and the patient as a person who should submit to his decisions. In the humanistic approach, the doctor and patient work together on equal terms, seeking solutions that are mutually beneficial. As a result, the patient feels more comfortable in the presence of the doctor and the doctor has greater job satisfaction.

In summary, the humanisation of medicine allows the patient to better understand his or her condition and obtain a treatment plan tailored to his or her needs. It also helps the patient to cope with the emotions associated with the illness and to maintain their dignity and autonomy. As a result, the patient feels better and has a greater sense of control over his or her health.

The humanisation of medicine also allows for a better relationship with the doctor and other medical professionals. A patient who feels that he or she is listened to and understood has more confidence in the doctor and is more open to communication. This, in turn, can contribute to better medical care and better treatment outcomes.

It is also worth emphasising that the humanisation of medicine does not only concern patients, but also doctors. A doctor who treats a patient with empathy and understanding is likely to experience greater job satisfaction and better cope with the stress of working in medicine.

The humanisation of medicine offers many benefits to the patient, such as a better understanding of his or her condition, emotional support, preservation of dignity and autonomy, and a better relationship with the doctor and other medical professionals. This approach is becoming increasingly popular worldwide and is being implemented by more and more medical facilities. It enables patients to feel better and manage their illness more effectively.