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In Defiance of Death: Exposing the Real Cost of End-Of-Life Care 2008

19 December 2022

Death is a natural part of life. However, it has recently become a painful, protracted, humiliating process that is often inappropriate for the patient and places an undue financial and emotional burden on the family. Approximately 22 per cent of all medical expenses are for people in the last year of their life. Furthermore, although research shows that 90 per cent of all people would prefer to die at home surrounded by family and friends, the reality is that more than 70 per cent die in institutions. As Dr Ken Fisher passionately argues in this book, it is time for a change. End-of-life care in the United States has, over the years, turned into a nightmare for patients and family members, and has created an almost devastating financial burden on the medical system that is not only excessive, but unsustainable. This has put the cost of healthcare beyond the reach of many people and is an important factor preventing the creation of universal insurance. Fisher and Rockwell explain the ethical dilemmas we all face as technology allows us to prolong life - but at a huge human and financial cost. This book documents these issues and provides a historical perspective on the evolution of the medical system.