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A qualitative study of clinical narrative competence of medical personnel

19 December 2022

Despite in-depth discussions on narrative medicine, there is limited research on narrative competence in the literature, so this study aims to explore the dimensions and clinical connotations of narrative competence in medical staff. There were four main themes of narrative competence generalised and conceptualised in the study: narrative horizon, narrative construction (including narrative listening, narrative understanding, narrative thinking and narrative representation), medical relationships (including empathy, communication, affiliation and interpersonality) and narrative medical care (including responsive care, the balanced act and medical reflection).

Regardless of therapeutic orientation, narrative medicine-oriented practitioners can use their multidimensional narrative competencies, as outlined in this article, to increase awareness and preparation in different areas of competence in medical services. Furthermore, the results of this study can serve as a framework for developing behavioural indicators of narrative competence that can inform medical curriculum design.
