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Socio-economic status of the patient and doctor-patient communication: does it make a difference?

18 December 2022

This systematic review, which included 12 original research papers and meta-analyses, examined whether patients' socioeconomic status influences doctor-patient communication. The results show that patients from lower social classes receive fewer positive socio-emotional statements and a more focused and less participatory consultation style, characterised by significantly less information and less information. Doctors' communication style is influenced by the way patients communicate: patients from higher social classes communicate more actively and show more affective expression, taking in more information from the doctor. Patients from lower social classes are often disadvantaged by the doctor's misunderstanding of their desire and need for information and their ability to participate in the care process. More effective communication could be established by both doctors and patients by making doctors aware of contextual communication differences and allowing patients to express concerns and preferences.
