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Communication Skills in Patient-Doctor Interactions: Learning from Patient Complaints

18 December 2022

Despite communication skills training in medical school, junior doctors still demonstrate poor patient-doctor communication skills. Four main themes of communication errors have been identified, namely: non-verbal (eye contact, facial expressions), verbal (active listening and inappropriate word choice) and content (low quantity and quality of information communicated), as well as poor attitudes (lack of respect and empathy). It is important to remember that patient-doctor communication is a complex human interaction that requires an understanding of the emotional state of each party.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277953619303764?casa_token=E4Fg14F NC7gAAAA:a87evC641jAiheWoZ2nHCKOwnchExL2Qns8rbV1byTbj662Kmzw1HmEz MVIC_xgkhWEaVd5l