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Compliance with antipsychotic treatment

16 December 2022

Despite the demonstrated efficacy of antipsychotic medication, relapse rates among patients with schizophrenia remain high. In this article, we review the various factors affecting adherence and discuss opportunities to improve adherence among patients with schizophrenia. We summarise the four main factors (patient-related, environment-related, physician-related and treatment-related) that influence adherence and discuss possible measures to improve adherence. In addition to the many other variables discussed in more detail, it is crucial to ensure a positive doctor-patient relationship and to provide sufficient information about the risk-benefit ratio of the medication, as well as about the illness itself. Significant others should be included in the therapeutic alliance whenever possible. Despite many published reports on compliance, this remains an issue of outstanding clinical importance. Physicians cannot ignore this in order to optimise the treatment of patients with schizophrenia.
