Non-adherence to pharmacotherapy and lifestyle recommendations - is the deliberate non-adherence to the recommendations of the therapeutic team (total or partial, permanent or intermittent). This phenomenon poses many dangers, especially in the treatment of chronic diseases. Proper treatment of lifestyle diseases also requires adherence to lifestyle recommendations. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of adherence to therapeutic recommendations among participants of the University of Unexpired Youth and training for patients and their families. The study was conducted among 66 participants of the University of Indomitable Youth and training for patients and their families at the John Paul II Specialist Hospital in Krakow. They used the Modified Morisky Scale and self-reported questions on lifestyle, reasons for non-adherence and methods to improve adherence. The study group consisted of 14 men and 52 women. Respondents rated adherence at an average of 7.78. 66.66% forgot to take their medication, 51.51% did not adhere to medication times, 28.71% skipped a dose of medication if they felt well, and 31.81% when they felt unwell. 66.66% were informed about the effects of medication; 81.81% did not forget to renew their medication prescription. The BMI of the study group averaged 26.24. 50% engaged in physical activity at least once a week. The most common reasons for non-adherence included difficult contact with the doctor, fear of adverse drug effects, and concern about interactions with other drugs. The study group would be prompted to adhere to recommendations by: patient training, personal beliefs, cheaper drugs. The study group showed low levels of motivation (forgetting, not adhering to hours, interrupting treatment) while having a high level of knowledge. There is therefore a need for behavioural change through patient training on adherence