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See you in heaven. For children who are experiencing the death of a loved one

15 December 2022

"See You in Heaven" is a unique book for children published by Dom Wydawniczy Rafael. The author, Agnieszka Kruźlak, takes up a very important and at the same time difficult subject: how to talk to a child about death.

The main character of the book is a little girl Ania, whose grandmother has died. The girl cannot understand what happened to her beloved grandmother, why she will never see her again, and resents her grandmother for leaving her. Annie's parents are unable to explain to the child what happened. Only a cleric, who is a friend of the family, helps the girl to understand her own feelings. He explains that although the grandmother is no longer on earth, she is in heaven, from where she takes care of Ania and where the girl will meet her one day.