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E-services in health care as a new dimension of medicine - types of services and security of medical data

15 December 2022

The e-health market is a steadily growing segment of medicine. In the era of technologisation and computerisation of service processes, the use of ICT applications in the medical sector will allow for a significant improvement in the quality and efficiency of services offered, reduction of costs and patient-orientation of the healthcare system. Therefore, the development of IT tools allowing for the reduction of the costs of health care functioning in Poland seems to be a right and at the same time a desirable solution in the context of efficient management of the entire health system. This also requires marketing research in this area, aimed at developing effective models for the implementation of IT solutions in healthcare. The introduction of modern nationwide IT solutions in the area of e-health is extremely difficult, as they have to face the following problems: security and transparency of data processed by these systems, integration of various IT solutions, compatibility with older systems, possibility of using data collected in a myriad of already existing IT systems.

https://www.kul.pl/files/1418/materialy_na_zajecia/lis/materialy_11/specyfika_zachowan_e- patients.pdf