"Wherever you are, Doctor..." is a passionate account of the lives of friends, initially medical students, later experienced doctors. The record of their lives, full of adventures and emotions, working on different continents of the world, in the mission "Doctors Without Borders", skilfully filled by the author with literary fiction, constitutes a fascinating plot of the book.
The author provides the reader with a wealth of information about the countries in which he and his characters have travelled, masterfully weaves in reminiscences from his childhood, comments on political events. Above all, he inspires in the reader a great admiration for the work of the doctor, whose supreme right is the welfare of the patient. Surgery, in particular, is Dr Wiesław Krakowski's passion, love, adventure and the meaning of life. This is already the doctor's second book with a similar message. In the previous one: "Tubib means doctor", published in 2010, he described his medical adventures and achievements in an interesting way, setting them in the scenery of everyday life in charming Morocco.