Homepage " Publications " Polish publications " THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF WOMEN AFTER MASTECTOMY


14 December 2022

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women. The diagnosis of this disease marks the beginning of a long road and a difficult fight against the disease for a woman. Mastectomy, or breast amputation, is an irreversible systemic process. For the patient, it is a traumatic experience involving a number of changes in the life of the patient and her family. Women who have undergone a mastectomy find it difficult to come to terms with their new situation and their permanent disability. The time it takes to adjust to the illness, as well as the return to mental balance and improvement in quality of life, is highly dependent on each woman's individual characteristics. In addition to the fear for her health and life, a woman is also accompanied by the stress of losing her breasts - a symbol of femininity and attractiveness. Lack of breasts can create concerns about acceptance from the partner, family and the durability of existing emotional relationships with loved ones. The aim of this study was to assess factors affecting the quality of life of women who had undergone mastectomy. The study included 47 women aged 41-67 years. Participation in the study was voluntary and completely anonymous. The study used a diagnostic survey method and employed a questionnaire technique. The research method used was two survey questionnaires. Using the SF-36 survey questionnaire, the patients' quality of life related to their health status was defined. The study defines how the women surveyed define their vitality, physical and mental state and what their opinion is about the level of their quality of life.

http://polscyniepelnosprawni.agh.edu.pl/wp- content/uploads/polsy_niepe-disabled_pombetween_declarations_and_realities
