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Quality of life for women after breast amputation

14 December 2022

The aim of the study was to assess the relationship with the partner of women after breast amputation and their social activity.

Material and method. The study was conducted among 121 post-breast amputation women, aged 40-70 years. The research tool was a self-administered survey questionnaire. The Chi2 test was used for statistical analysis.

Results. More than two-fifths of respondents first observed lesions during breast self-examination - 42.15%. Despair, grief and anger (33.93%) and fear and anxiety (29.17%) were the most common reactions to being diagnosed with the disease. More than a third of the women surveyed (34.71%) said that their husband/partner gave them emotional and physical support during their illness. Approximately two-fifths (38.02%) of the women surveyed confessed that their intimate relationship with their partner had not changed compared to before the illness. In contrast, the declared social activity of the respondents correlated with membership of support groups.

Conclusions. The diagnosis of breast cancer and its consequences are a significant source of anxiety and have a significant impact on women's psychological state. The support received during treatment of the disease and rehabilitation has a significant impact on the psychological state and social activity of women after mastectomy.
