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The right of the patient-child to consent to the provision of health care,

14 December 2022

The right to consent to healthcare is one of the most important patient rights, but it is limited in relation to children. The rule is that a minor patient over 16 years of age consents to medical acts together with a legally appointed representative; whereas for a patient under 16 years of age, the representative alone decides. For certain health services, the Polish legislator has introduced different rules. The rules of consenting by underage patients to participate in a medical experiment, to collect cells, tissues and organs for transplantation, to collect blood or to undergo a psychiatric examination are regulated differently. The excessive casuistry associated with a minor patient's consent for health services undoubtedly makes it difficult to understand and apply.

http://bibliotekacyfrowa.pl/Content/70665/PDF/05_Skrenty_Z_Obowiazek_informowania_pa cient_in_the_face_of_his_right_to_determination.pdf