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Integral care for the patient at the end of life

14 December 2022

To read or not to read? In relation to the presented publication, the answer is clear: read and encourage others to read. This is also emphasised in the foreword by the JM Rector of the Jagiellonian University, Professor Wojciech Nowak:: "I present to you an extraordinary publication, created thanks to the commitment of people of good will and big hearts, determined to bring help to those most in need. Integral Care of the Sick at the End of Life is a book that is definitely worth noting and should be included in compulsory reading, as it is an attempt to respond to the need for presentation of such issues in the public space. The title itself suggests the content it contains, which, as a doctor, I would say is still a taboo subject in society. Terminal illnesses, end-of-life care, passing away and death are the most difficult topics for most of us".

The authors of the multi-author monograph Integral care for the sick at the end of life, edited by Agnieszka Bertman-Wierzchowska, Wojciech Kochan and Józef Stala, undertake a scientific exploration and reflection on difficult but extremely important issues. Pain, suffering, terminal illnesses, the need for end-of-life care, the process of passing away, the fears and anxieties associated with it, and death itself are very difficult issues, already affecting many of us, and someday everyone. This publication is, on the one hand, an excellent compendium of knowledge provided by physicians and other experts, and, on the other hand, illustrates the practice of palliative and hospice care. Therefore, it is of interest not only to medical professionals: doctors, nurses, medical students, psychologists, social workers, volunteers, but also to family members taking care of an ill or terminally ill person. Its value is also recognised by Prof. Alina Rynio, who emphasises in her editorial review that: "The clarity and simplicity of the language used in the publication make it understandable to everyone. An additional value of the monograph is the bibliographic lists included in the texts, which facilitate further literature searches'. The authors of this publication are trying to answer very important questions: is it better to undertake pain treatment at home or in hospital? Is primary palliative care accessible to all? What are the challenges for end-of-life care providers? Who can help with a holistic approach to patient care, and to what extent? So this is not just a publication aimed at experts, but at everyone who wants to help the vulnerable and sick. Professor W. Nowak also reminds us of this:: "Dear Readers, this monograph is a kind of summary, a buckle binding the five thematic conferences mentioned above. It illustrates the commitment, determination and enormous work of the organisers from the Jagiellonian University, the Jagiellonian University - Collegium Medicum, the Society of the Friends of the Sick "Hospice of St Lazarus" in Krakow headed by the President of the Society's Board, as well as the Jagiellonian University Students' Self-Government and all the people of good will putting into practice the motto of the Primate of the Millennium:: Get involved in social help for your neighbours. Open yourself towards the poor and the sick. I encourage you to act, I encourage you to take an active part in realising an idea encapsulated in the simplest of messages:: I help - because I want to. I wish you a good and enriching read.

"It is important to acknowledge the issue taken up by the Authors and Editors and the desire to reach the widest possible audience. It should also be emphasised that the Editors of this scientific monograph have taken care to ensure that the individual texts prepared by well-known representatives of the medical world and the social sciences form a logical and coherent whole. This publication is addressed to a wide audience, not only to scientists, but also to all those dealing in any way with patients in a terminal state. The clarity and simplicity of the language used in the publication make it understandable to everyone. An additional value of the monograph is the bibliographic lists included in the texts to facilitate further literature searches". From a publishing review by Alina Rynio, PhD