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The meaning and dignity of the human body in medical practice

14 December 2022

From an existential point of view, the doctor-patient relationship belongs to a special type of interpersonal relationship, hence ethical standards in medicine are part of the essence of medicine. The encounter with the patient in the practice of medicine implies contact with the body and even direct interference with human corporeality. The dignity of the patient demands the highest standards of proper conduct and respect for the patient's intimacy. A real danger in the medical profession is to treat the patient's corporeality more or less separately from his or her person. Attention to this aspect includes reference to the holistic concept of the human being, which, especially in the medical professions, plays an extremely important role.

https://repozytorium.ka.edu.pl/bitstream/handle/11315/28310/MAKIELLO_Bol_i_cierpienie_ 2006.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y#page=39