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How to teach ethics to future doctors? A review of active didactic methods useful in teaching medical ethics

14 December 2022

Medical ethics classes are held at every medical university in Poland. The academic debate on optimal didactic methods in teaching this subject has been going on for years. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the superiority of active teaching methods over passive methods and to provide an overview of active methods used in medical ethics classes, such as casuistry, bedside teaching, problem-based learning, discussion, and role-playing. The advantages and disadvantages of the discussed didactic methods and the possibilities of their application in Polish institutional settings are presented. The article can be a source of useful information for lecturers teaching medical ethics.

https://dspace.uni.lodz.pl/bitstream/handle/11089/25852/lekarze-i-studenci-medycyny-wobec- situations-ethically-difficult-communication-from-research.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y