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Health and Illness. Selected problems in the sociology of medicine

12 December 2022

The issues of the paper entitled. ''Health and Illness. Selected problems of the sociology of medicine'' is interesting, well-structured and for the most part based on the results of new, also foreign research. In this respect, this book can be regarded as a successful continuation of Małgorzata Sokołowska's ''Sociology of Medicine'', published by PZWL in 1986. It is also to the credit of the author team that various applications of sociological theories and concepts to medical practice and considerations of health and illness are presented. Thus, these are not just ''good advice for doctors'' - but well-supported scientific arguments.

Prof. Dr. Antonina Ostrowska

https://repozytorium.umk.pl/bitstream/handle/item/993/E.Bi%C5%84czyk%2C%20Nie classicalsociologymedicine.pdf?sequence=1