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Impact of the humanisation of medicine on patients' quality of life

2 June 2024

Every patient is unique, both physically and mentally. Each of us has our own life stories, personal experiences and diverse health needs. In the healthcare system, we encounter patients with a variety of conditions, from chronic illnesses to cancer to mental health problems. Each of these patients needs individual attention and support to improve their quality of life.

The diversity of patients in today's healthcare system is enormous. Each patient may have different health needs, different therapeutic goals, and different levels of understanding and trust towards medical staff. Therefore, it is essential that medical staff are able to tailor care to individual patients' needs.

It is not only physical conditions that affect patients' quality of life. Equally important are the psychological aspects of health, including emotional state, stress levels, fears and anxieties. Patients struggling with chronic illnesses, as well as those battling cancer, often experience strong psychological impacts that can affect their overall health and quality of life.

Humanisation of medicine and better therapeutic outcomes

Humanising medicine is an approach based on understanding, empathy and respect towards patients, which has a direct impact on therapeutic outcomes. It is not just a trending slogan, but a reality with numerous benefits for both patients and medical staff.

The main advantage of the humanisation of medicine is to increase patients' trust in the treatment process. When patients feel that they are treated with respect and that medical staff are interested in their needs and concerns, their trust in doctors and the healthcare system as a whole increases. This trust is crucial to the effectiveness of the treatment, as the patient is more likely to follow the doctor's instructions and engage in the treatment process.

Communication plays a key role in the treatment process, and the humanisation of medicine promotes open and honest communication between the patient and medical staff. Doctors who are able to listen to the patient and explain their decisions and treatment options in an understandable way help the patient to better understand their health situation. This translates into more informed decisions and more effective treatment.

Emotional support

Emotional support is another aspect that is crucial in the recovery process. Illness is often associated with the emotional burden that patients feel. Medical staff who understand these emotions and offer psychological support can help patients cope with stress and anxiety. This in turn affects the patient's overall health and quality of life.

The humanisation of medicine encourages patients to take an active role in managing their health. Patients who feel understood and supported are more likely to adopt healthy habits and maintain therapeutic recommendations. This leads to better therapeutic outcomes and reduces the risk of complications.

Reducing stress and pain is another benefit of humanising medicine. Studies show that patients who feel emotionally supported often experience less pain and have better recovery outcomes. This can reduce hospitalisation time and speed up recovery.

Shaping an empathetic attitude among medical staff

Developing an empathetic attitude among healthcare staff is a process that aims to develop the capacity for empathy and understanding among healthcare professionals. It is not only a form of professional competence, but also a key element in humanising healthcare.

Empathy in a medical context means being able to empathise with the patient, understanding their emotions, concerns and needs. Medical staff who are able to show empathy create an atmosphere of trust and support, which translates into a better relationship between patient and medical staff.

Developing an empathetic attitude includes training, workshops and developing communication skills. Medical staff learn to listen to patients, ask the right questions and show understanding. This not only improves the quality of care, but also affects therapeutic outcomes, as patients are more cooperative and adhere to medical recommendations.