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The Future of Medicine: How AI is helping to build a more human experience in health

23 August 2023

Nowadays, artificial intelligence (AI) technology is increasingly being used in medicine. Many people may wonder how machines can help create a more 'human' experience in health. After all, medicine has always been the domain of empathy, care and a personal approach. Can we trust artificial intelligence with such a sensitive issue as health? As it turns out, AI not only has the potential to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare, but also to create a more human, personal experience for patients.

Personal, precise diagnoses

One of AI's greatest strengths in medicine is its ability to analyse vast amounts of data. This opens the door to precision medicine - an approach that involves treating each patient individually based on their unique genetic, biochemical and lifestyle characteristics. AI can process this data and help doctors formulate more accurate diagnoses and create personalised treatment plans.

Emotional intelligence AI

Equally important is the development of so-called emotional intelligence AI. For example, health chatbots can learn to recognise the emotions expressed by patients through text and voice analysis, enabling them to respond more empathetically and effectively to their needs. For example, AI can suggest to a patient that it is worth talking to a psychologist if it detects signs of depression or stress.

AI support in care

AI also has the potential to improve the quality of care for patients, wherever they are. AI can help monitor the health of patients remotely, sending alerts to doctors when it notices worrying changes. This enables rapid intervention, and allows patients to feel safer knowing they are constantly being monitored.

Patient education

AI also has the potential to increase patient involvement in the treatment process, through education. AI can provide individually tailored information about a patient's condition, treatment options and possible side effects. This makes patients more aware of their health and allows them to better participate in the decision-making process.

AI and disease prediction

Another area where AI has the potential to create a more 'human' experience in medicine is in predicting the development of diseases. Traditionally, doctors rely on their experience and intuition to predict the development of patients' conditions. Artificial intelligence, with its ability to process vast amounts of data, can identify subtle patterns and relationships that may not be obvious to the human eye. This enables doctors to make more precise predictions, which in turn allows for earlier action, both in terms of treatment and prevention.

Support for health professionals

AI can also play a key role in supporting medical staff, allowing them to focus on what they do best - connecting with patients. Tasks such as collecting and analysing data, monitoring patient health and managing appointments can be time-consuming for healthcare professionals. With AI, these tasks can be automated, allowing doctors and nurses to focus on direct patient care, thereby creating a more 'human' healthcare experience.

Artificial intelligence in clinical trials

AI can also help speed up and streamline research processes. AI can help clinical trials by analysing data from a variety of sources, such as electronic health records, genomics or medical imaging, to identify appropriate patient groups for trials, predict outcomes or monitor safety. As a result, research work can become faster and more efficient, which in turn can accelerate the development of new and more effective therapies.

AI and medical ethics

While artificial intelligence technology brings many benefits to medicine, the growing importance of ethics in the use of AI in this field cannot be overlooked. Clear guidelines need to be established regarding the use of patient data, privacy and security, as well as accountability for decisions made by AI. Beyond this, AI must be fully transparent and fair, ensuring that all patients are treated equally and are not discriminated against based on the data that AI processes. As AI becomes more widely used in medicine, these ethical issues will become increasingly important to ensure that AI is indeed used to create a more 'human' healthcare experience.