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Artificial intelligence and the humanisation of medicine

31 July 2023

When we talk about artificial intelligence (AI), we begin to wonder what our everyday lives will look like when machines, with algorithms that mimic the human mind, are ubiquitous - from the workplace to school to our homes. The same questions become even more relevant when we talk about medicine. AI is already using huge amounts of data to aid diagnosis, monitor the health of patients or even predict the risk of certain diseases. But equally important is the question of AI's impact on the humanisation of medicine. Will machines, despite their efficiency, be able to appreciate the subtleties of human experience, emotions and relationships that are so important in healthcare? Is it possible to combine technological advances with a humanistic approach to the patient?

In recent years, artificial intelligence has helped to revolutionise many areas of medicine. It is being used to predict diseases, analyse patient data, assist surgeons during operations or discover new drugs. Machines learn from huge data sets and are able to identify patterns that even the most experienced doctors may miss. As a result, AI is able to increase the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment, resulting in a greater chance of successful treatment.

But how does this relate to the humanisation of medicine? The humanisation of medicine refers to an approach to healthcare that emphasises caring for people, their emotional and physical wellbeing. It is an approach that emphasises the importance of building doctor-patient relationships, empathy, respect and understanding.

One would think that introducing AI into medicine would have the opposite effect to humanisation. Can a machine be empathetic, understanding our fears and concerns? Can it replace human warmth and emotional responses? At first glance, it may seem that the introduction of AI would mean a move away from the humanisation of medicine. But this is not true.

Rather than separating medicine from its humanistic roots, AI has the potential to humanise it even further. First and foremost, by making diagnosis and treatment more efficient, AI helps to improve patients' quality of life. But AI can also contribute to the humanisation of medicine in other ways.

One of these is the ability to free doctors from some of their data analysis and information management responsibilities. With AI, doctors can spend more time interacting directly with patients, building relationships and understanding their needs and concerns.

In addition, AI can help create more personalised healthcare. Through data analysis, AI is able to identify individual patient needs, predict the risk of various conditions and suggest the most effective treatments.

Ultimately, artificial intelligence not only has the potential to make medicine more efficient, but also to humanise it. It allows for a deeper understanding of the patient, a more personalised approach to treatment and allows doctors to spend more time in direct contact with the patient.

Of course, AI will never fully replace the human contact, empathy and understanding that are key to building the doctor-patient relationship. But, used wisely, it can become a tool that aids this process rather than replacing it.

However, it is important to remember that the role of AI in medicine is still a topic open to further discussion and research. It requires a balance between the use of advanced technology and preserving the empathy and humanism inherent in the practice of medicine.

Artificial intelligence is just a tool, and its true value depends on how we use it. If we use it wisely, we may discover that AI not only influences the progress of medicine, but also helps to humanise it, benefiting both patients and healthcare professionals. In such a world, AI and humanism can go hand in hand, creating a medicine of the future that is as effective as it is human.