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Why is the humanisation of medicine important?

6 June 2023

The humanisation of medicine is an approach to treating the patient that focuses on the patient's needs, not just the disease. It involves a holistic approach to the patient, not just as a medical case. Nowadays, an increasing number of doctors and patients believe that the humanisation of medicine is not only important, but essential.

The first reason why humanising medicine is important is that it allows doctors to better understand the needs of the patient. Often patients come to the doctor with not only a health problem, but also with fear, anxiety and uncertainty. A doctor who makes an effort to understand these needs can more effectively help the patient cope with their illness. A patient who feels that his or her needs are understood and taken into account increases his or her trust in the doctor and undertakes treatment with greater determination.

The second reason is that the humanisation of medicine allows the patient to maintain their dignity and autonomy. Patients often feel helpless in the face of their illness and submit to the doctor's decisions without considering whether they are in line with their own needs and values. A doctor who takes a humanistic approach is more likely to listen to the patient, to consider their opinions and to seek solutions that are in line with their values and preferences. In this way, the patient feels more confident and makes decisions that meet their individual needs.

The third reason is that the humanisation of medicine allows doctors and patients to have a better relationship. In the traditional medical approach, the doctor is often seen as an authority and the patient as someone who should submit to his decisions. In the humanistic approach, the doctor and patient work together to find solutions that are mutually beneficial. As a result, the patient feels more comfortable in the presence of the doctor and the doctor has greater job satisfaction.