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Humanising medicine in end-of-life care

10 May 2023

The humanisation of medicine is particularly important in end-of-life care because it allows for a better quality of life and increases the chances of delivering a comfortable and dignified death to the patient. In this article, we will outline why the humanisation of medicine is important in end-of-life care.

Increasing comfort and dignity

End-of-life care is usually associated with pain, suffering and loss of dignity. The humanisation of medicine makes it possible to provide patients with appropriate care that takes into account their needs and expectations. This enables patients to feel more comfortable and dignified, even in situations.

Improving quality of life

Humanising medicine also helps to improve the quality of life of patients at the end of life. Medical staff should take into account the needs of patients and act in a way that contributes to their quality of life.

More effective medical care

Medical staff should follow best medical practices that minimise the risk of complications and provide the patient with the maximum sense of security. In this way, patients can receive the best medical care to enable them to move smoothly through the final phases of life.

Building people-to-people links

Humanising medicine also helps to build interpersonal bonds between medical staff and patients. Medical staff should be able to understand how illness and treatment affect the patient and what the patient's emotional needs are.

Cooperation with the patient's family

The patient's family is an important part of end-of-life care. Medical staff should be able to understand the needs and expectations of the patient's family and work with them to provide the best possible medical care for the patient.

Facilitating the bereavement and grieving process

Medical staff should be able to help patients and their families cope with the emotions associated with illness and death. This can help patients and their families to feel more supported and understood at difficult times.

In conclusion, the humanisation of medicine is extremely important in end-of-life care. By humanising medical staff, patients can receive better medical care that takes into account their needs and expectations. Medical staff can also benefit from the humanisation of medicine, as this can contribute to increased job satisfaction and efficiency. Introducing the humanisation of medicine into end-of-life care can help to improve the quality of life of patients and their families, which is extremely important at such a difficult time in life.