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I'm here. Compassionate communication in patient care

19 December 2022

Modern medical technology is helping patients recover faster than ever before in history. However, the human interaction between patient and caregiver is still the basic foundation of treatment. 'I'm Here' is a personal narrative from the patient's perspective. Full of humour and filled with appreciation, Marcus Engel encourages healthcare professionals to practice compassionate communication in all its forms. Professional speaker and author Marcus Engel is considered an expert in communicating the patient perspective and inspiring healthcare professionals to excel. Marcus speaks from the heart. After being blinded and suffering catastrophic injuries at the hands of a drunk driver, he went through years of hospitalisation, rehabilitation and recovery.

"I;m Here should be a must-read for all healthcare professionals. Marcus's personal experience of being a patient and his insight into what constitutes compassionate care is wonderful and right ".

-Norma Stephens Hannigan, Ph.D., assistant professor at Columbia University in New York.