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Perception of Humanization of Birth in a Highly Specialized Hospital: Let's Think Differently

18 December 2022

The aim of this article is to identify the views of health professionals, administrators and women on the humanisation of birth care.... The humanisation of birth in a hospital can be identified by several key features, such as personalisation, recognition of women's rights, care for women and a balance between medical care, comfort, safety and humanity. Professionals' perceptions of humanised birthing care in the hospital surveyed mainly focused on personalised and family-centred care. However, participants' perceptions of humanised birth care focused more on the professional's assurance of safety. The pressure to save lives was identified as the greatest barrier to providing such care for risky pregnancies and births. The findings in this article may be useful for obstetricians and gynaecologists, as well as midwives, nurses and health professionals in general.
