Homepage " Publications " Publications abroad " From the crisis in acute care to postdischarge resilience - The communication experience of Geriatric patients: A qualitative study

From the crisis in acute care to postdischarge resilience - The communication experience of Geriatric patients: A qualitative study

18 December 2022

Hospital readmission due to illness among geriatric patients results in distress and psychological trauma. Although communication has been linked to better health outcomes, little is known about communication pathways in the context of resilience after hospital discharge. The aim of this study is to determine the role of communication pathways used by acute care physicians for geriatric patients in the post-hospital discharge period. Communication in acute care that improved health resources, perceived control and reflection contributed to greater understanding and manageability during hospitalisation and after discharge, contributing to resilience. Participants who experienced other forms of communication reported anxiety and helplessness due to persistent psychological trauma after discharge.


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