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What patients like or dislike in physicians: Analyzing drivers of patient satisfaction and dissatisfaction using a digital topic modelling approach

18 December 2022

This study collected reviews from a publicly accessible medical website from January 2014 to December 2018 and then used a text mining method to reveal the semantics of patients' healthcare experiences. The proposed method was able to reveal. In the case of high-risk illnesses, it can be observed that, in addition to commonly discussed relevant issues such as friendly staff and the competence of doctors, patients often discuss surprising factors such as the service of the hospital cafeteria. Another finding of the study is that patients prefer to visit hospitals or physical clinics when suffering from a serious illness, rather than relying on online information, electronic mail or an online appointment system. In contrast, for a low-risk illness, patients are able to make an appointment online and see a doctor within a specific time frame for a thorough medical review, and thus comment positively on the visit.


2/publication/286902237_Patient_satisfaction_with_doctor_and_nurse_communication_varie s_with_patient_education_level_age_gender_and_primary_language/links/57fbc91008aea0db 5a3f5e62/Patient-satisfaction-with-doctor-and-nurse-communication-varies-with-patient-education-level-age-gender-and-primary-language.pdf