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The New Ethics of Neuroethics

15 December 2022

According to a well-known distinction, neuroethics includes the neuroscience of ethics and the ethics of neuroscience. In neuroethics, these two parts have given rise to separate lines of enquiry, and there has been no discussion of how the two parts overlap. In this article, the author seeks to make the connection between the two parts by considering the implications that are raised for ethics by scientific discoveries about how moral decisions are made. The main reason for the article is that although neuroscience is 'stretching' ethics by revealing the empirical basis of moral decisions, and thereby challenging current understandings of dominant ethical theories, important questions remain about the impact that neuroscience will have on the topic of ethics.

https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/59531681/MEATBALLS AUTONOMY_AND_H UMAN_DIGNITY20190605-3732-4k2j46.pdf?1559720864=&response-content- disposition=inline+filenameOf_Meatballs_Autonomy_and_Human_Dignity.p df&Expires=1618508371&Signature=BGVaFh8Dso2N0- qmkXq0yyglV5QR7mfaJhcrEcqgGPgn3cVQobvFqAXMhVKjuBzh3SrYgYteLmH~IVs MNE4~pLQRT-.

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