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The Need for a Conceptual Expansion of Neuroethics

15 December 2022

W "Neuroethics at 15: The Current and Future Environment for Neuroethics". The Emerging Issues Task Force provides an overview of current and future neuroethics topics and foreseeable challenges facing the field. The authors note that these challenges, emerging at both the individual, societal and often global levels, are significantly related to advancing knowledge of the brain and neurotechnological capabilities, increasing awareness of the diversity of values and the need to address the global landscape, and to novel applications (commercial, military, government) of neuroscientific discoveries. The authors note that the underlying theme is expansion.

However, the authors of this article believe that there is another kind of extension, rarely mentioned by the authors, which is crucial to enable better handling of many of the challenges mentioned above: the extension of the concept of neuroethics and its methodology and approach to neuroethical issues. In particular, the key role of conceptual analysis in neuroethics should be noted.
