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Analysis of legal and social aspects of e-prescription functioning in Poland against the background of selected countries

15 December 2022

The development and dissemination of modern information and communication technologies (ICT) are influencing the functioning of many areas of life, including such an important one as the health sector. Electronic medical records, e-prescriptions or online medical consultations are just some of the many ICT applications in this field. Among other things, the author presents the process of e-prescription implementation in Poland and its legal and social conditions. She also attempts to analyse the legal regulations of e-prescription functioning in Poland against the background of solutions adopted in other countries (on the example of an EU country and a third country). The aim of the article is an attempt to assess whether the solutions adopted in Poland concerning the use of ICT in the health care sector are more effective and safe than those functioning in other countries, or whether it would be better to follow to a greater extent the solutions functioning for a long time in the countries selected for the analysis.